What is OEBi?
OEBi is an organization that brings together schools and professionals committed to the development and expansion of bilingual education.

What is OEBi's mission?
Promote and propagate bilingual education through the socialization of knowledge and knowledge.
Guarantee the excellence of bilingual education through studies, foundations, training courses and exchange of experiences between the renowned Educational Institutions that offer this proposal.

What is OEBi's vision?
To be an organization recognized as a qualifier for Bilingual Education institutions, striving for educational quality and academic excellence.

What is the philosophy of OEBi?
Add bilingual schools and professionals committed to the quality of teaching, promoting well-being, stimulating learning, and human professional growth.

What are OEBi's VALUES?
1 - Commitment to the quality of Bilingual Education.
2 - Valorization and investment in human resources.
3 - Respect for cultural diversity.
4 - Transparency and ethics in professional and commercial relations.

What does OEBI do?
OEBi organizes lectures, workshops, pedagogical meetings (between professionals), sports meetings (between students), experiences between professionals, meetings of sponsors. All activities are directed towards bilingualism. 

Who can be part of OEBi?
Maintainers, students and employees of bilingual schools.

What does it mean to be bilingual for OEBi?
According to the OEBi Statute, it is defined as bilingual:
Early Childhood Education: a minimum of 75% of the daily workload must be in a language other than

Elementary School I: minimum of 1/3 of the daily workload must be in a language other than Portuguese.
Elementary School II and High School: How much does it cost to be part of OEBi?
idioma, que não o Português.

Quanto custa fazer parte da OEBi?
The investment required to be an OEB member.
Inspection fee: R$ 880.00
Annuity: 8 minimum wages.

How do I join OEBi?
If you think your school fits the OEBi concepts you can request your membership through the link “I want to be OEBi”

What is the best age to start bilingual education?
Childhood is the best time to acquire a second language. Contact with another language when associated with appropriate pedagogical techniques helps students to understand concepts, deduce rules and expand their analytical capacity precisely by promoting a multifaceted perception of linguistic and cultural values.

Do bilingual schools cost more?
No. Parents, educators and specialists are unanimous in saying that, if it is considered to be an advantage for children to learn a second language at an early age without the need to attend two different schools and, mainly, to do so in an effective and enjoyable way, bilingual schools are proportionately cheaper than regular schools.

Does the insertion of elements from another culture cause confusion for the child?
There is a consensus among professionals involved in Bilingual Education that contact with other cultures and languages ​​is an enriching factor in the curriculum. At the same time that the aspects of national identity and culture are valued, cultural linguistic plurality is contemplated.
The pedagogical proposal of bilingual schools includes a way of educating that leads students to interact in practice with a global context, following the tendency for schools to form citizens prepared to work in the modern world. The private and the universal are worked with great efficiency, also because the language barrier is already overcome in the classroom.

Do parents necessarily need to speak the second language?
No. In fact, most parents of students do not speak the second language, but realize, in the short term, that the initiative is beneficial for children. Educators and linguists agree that the sooner contact and learning of another language is established, the more easily full mastery can be achieved.
When a family member masters the second language, the child's contact with English outside school can be greater and this enhances learning.

Are bilingual schools multiplying throughout the country?
Bilingualism is expanding in Brazil, notably in São Paulo. The interested public is expanding every year. Demand is greater in pre-school and elementary school, but there are already high schools. It is not too much to remember that speaking another language is no longer a fad to become an essential skill.

Can I enroll my kid in Elementary I and II without having ever had a bilingual education?
Yes. The process of teaching English develops at school and students who have contact with the second language only in this environment reach, over time, satisfactory levels and sufficient proficiency to participate in the immersion routine in the English language. When necessary, the school may request that the student take tutoring. The level of teacher demand for English will be lower for these students than that for students already bilingual, and will increase as the student improves his knowledge of the second language
